The Bohemian Poet

Michael Paul Ladanyi's work has been published worldwide in online a print poetry magazines. He is a three-time Pushcart Prize Nominee, and has served on the editorial boards of several magazines. He is also the author and/or co-author of nine books of poetry. Contact Michael Paul Ladanyi at

Sunday, November 20, 2005

"Flourescent Face"


all the horses are in my hand
i let myself fall backwards

youre a broken blond
the spine is a mammal
in your eyes

bring the horses; theyre tired of standing, inspector

i dont wanna know, i've seen enough
u order me out, u tell the waiter no non for her

someone's in your motto bank landscape

youre not my father, we're not landscapes
my hand is on the bible and i swear
there's a whole lotta mammals in there

im working at a cafe but i think its kinkos
u dont give a shit, all of staurday is
in the front door

your wooden feet are still prime rib and u have one for me

i look at least as good as gold grass

i have your clipboard and your notes

someone likes the horses, the pens, the truth
not the whole truth, i can't put

donna kuhn 2005


Blogger Michael Paul Ladanyi said...

Your work is the eclectic art of craft.

8:53 PM  

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