The Bohemian Poet

Michael Paul Ladanyi's work has been published worldwide in online a print poetry magazines. He is a three-time Pushcart Prize Nominee, and has served on the editorial boards of several magazines. He is also the author and/or co-author of nine books of poetry. Contact Michael Paul Ladanyi at

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Beans and Bread

If we sit and talk of beans and bread,
death without hesitation,
will you remember me, Joseph,
radio-electric, standing in cold
drum-apple rain?

These things will die
in our silver-water ears,
eat piano colors before they
reach our sputtering eyes;
they are vaseline covered mouths,
snap-necked and blue.

This day is scribbled browns,
yellow leaves porch-dead,
velvet lined bird throats;
still, we refuse to speak.

First appeared in Lily Literary Review, Jan. 2006

Michael Paul Ladanyi


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