The Bohemian Poet

Michael Paul Ladanyi's work has been published worldwide in online a print poetry magazines. He is a three-time Pushcart Prize Nominee, and has served on the editorial boards of several magazines. He is also the author and/or co-author of nine books of poetry. Contact Michael Paul Ladanyi at

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Den Mother


the month pulls and the month is at first glance
make the girl whisper so minimum
insanity in her world

made in a certain whisper
chop this year when it has become skillful
reset the girl, what kind of plastic horse is safe

purchased form america
i address the thing when
it does not have popularity

o salary which shatters
the world of my eye
she makes the shriveled world

loves the united states
of science likes my ear
father makes language

and mother grasps u
look for the first time
father to pull the world

this year is a place when it changed
your eye is newly built noise
science likes my ear under my fingernail

mother grasps u to become her
u is possibly my ear
world requirement certain fathers

handing over the crunching fritter skillfully
make the girl with any type of plastic horse
u are sure to buy the usa

pure wages to destroy, good popularity
duh of the world, using the duh of american
im in love the usa, its u

o red grass, manufactured recently

donna kuhn 2006